Accu-Glass Products

A Full-feature E-commerce site for my current employer

built with Nuxt 3 and Typescript, fetching data from a Drupal 9 back-end

01 Helix

diagnosis diary web app for different types of headaches with a social media twist

built with Vuetify and Nuxt, deployed through AWS

Ogre Squatch

a full-stack web app to look up the stats of an Overwatch player

built with Express and React, deployed through Heroku

King Trivia Score Card

a front-end single-page-application created for King Trivia "Quizmasters" to better score their trivia games

built with Vue.js and Typescript

House Cuts

a web app that acts as "uber for hairstylists"

built with Vuetify and Nuxt


A List of my certifications and qualifications


A few of the skills I've been working on

React and Vue

I'm primarily a front-end developer. So I've become very comfortable with a wide variety of front-end frameworks over the years. I'm most comfortable with React, and Vue. React is what I've been studying the most, and Vue is what I've been using in my past dev jobs. But I take pride in my ability to pick up frameworks (and sometimes even full languages) very quickly and being able to hit the ground running with them!

Next and Nuxt

While React and Vue are great as a baseline, real websites and web apps are built with meta-frameworks. I've learned the most on Nuxt 3 across my time as a web developer, but a lot of similar concepts have carried over to the learning I've done with Next as well. I'm very comfortable within these meta-frameworks, and have built multiple apps within each of them

Full-Stack Web Development

Something I've been working on is learning how to craft full-stack web applications! I've been working on bootstrapping and deploying various different CMSes (like Strapi, pocketbase, and Drupal). I've also dabbled in more than a little API building with NodeJS and Express. I haven't had a chance to flex my back-end muscles in a professional environment, but I hope to soon!

Test-Driven Development

One of the biggest shifts in my development process was learning how to test my code. Tests are simply amazing! I've always wanted to learn how to test my code, but it wasn't until my time at Accu-Glass that I actually had the space and the mentorship to learn how to use Cypress. Now I can't live without testing, so I've learned how to adopt TDD, and hope to maintain this philosophy in the future

Agile Development

Across my previous dev positions, I've developed professional and safe git workflows, as well as learn how to properly integrate an agile development philosophy. I've learned how to properly seperate, organize, and structure my work in a professional and agile way.

Game Development

The aspect of software that started it all! I've been teaching myself game development through the Godot game engine. The programming language that it comes bundled with is very similar to Python, which has been a joy to learn and build with! One day I want to build a side business in game development, and who knows? Maybe some of the games I make will be centerpeices on this site one day!


I have a deep background in Customer service which helps me to communicate effectively in both writing and speaking with a professional demeanor


Through my past work environments, I've learned how to remain calm and be flexible, even in situations of dire stress. I've also learned how to craft creative solutions to complex problems. Plus, in being a self-taught developer, I've learned the most important skill of all: how to learn.


I love software development with a deep passion. I'll sit through hours of frustrating debugging, subtle CSS tweaks, and zen boilerplate-ing and I'll love every minute of it. My passion has driven me to learn quickly and code effectively